Saturday, May 22, 2010

Trash the Dress turns into Rock the Dress!!!

We started out with a Trash the Dress session in mind, but Bec looked so gorgeous, it seemed a shame to not get some beautiful shots before we hit the down & dirty ones... & we just couldn't stop. Bec, you were fabulous, throughout the heat, the insects & all of my, can you just climb up there & just one more, but this really did Rock It! My assistant was also fantastic, first time behind a reflector, thanks so much Kate, it's your turn next time ;) And my AMAZING Hairdresser & Make-Up Artist Elle Vierboom of EllaBella Hair & Make-Up as always, stunning work, thank you, what would I do without you ♥ I know there are a lot of photos in the slideshow but it was so hard to cut so many gorgeous images.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Exciting Endings & Beautiful Beginnings

A few weeks ago my son Kyle graduated from University. It was such beautiful day in so many ways, beautiful blue sky, lots of hugs, love & laughter & much loved family members sharing Kyle's special day. We are all so proud of him & excited for what his future holds as all of the long hard hours of study & part time jobs becomes a memory & he moves into creating a successful business & having a bit more time for fun. It's always such a Mum thing to say, I can't believe he is here already, I remember when... but I do & it did go so fast, but I enjoyed every minute, well almost ;) & as it says in the heading it is an exciting ending but also a beautiful beginning. Kyle we wish you every happiness & success that life can bring, we love you & are so proud of you ♥
& just a one cute pic, isn't he gorgeous - the things you'll do for your mother :)